City Beetles Apps

Entertainment News 10.2
City Beetles
Latest entertainment news and gossip in real time. The application,free and fast, is a news feed reader, configured to search the webfor celebrities and general entertainment RSS feeds that you maychoose to add. You may also enter any website and the app will tryand find if it has a public RSS feed, that you can add. So, you canread all news and other topics of your interest in one place. - Nointrusive permissions - News are fetched fast and in real time - Nodownloads in the background, while not in the app - Smart optionsto remember viewing preferences - Options to enlarge or reducetexts in real time - Plenty of settings to customize viewing modeNo need for several news apps. Just this one.
Little Rock Local News 10.3
City Beetles
Read the latest news from Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. Thisapplication shows news published by local media. Theapplication,free and fast, is a news feed reader, configured tosearch the web for available local rss feeds that you may choose toadd. The app also allows you to add your own feeds. So, you canread all local info and more topics in one place. No need forseveral apps. The application can be customized. For phones andtablets.
Good Deeds Log 1.3
City Beetles
Keep a log of your daily good deeds and your bad things. Look atcharts and see what type of person you've been during this month orthe last month. For this to have real results, you must be veryhonest. A good tool for parents also, to keep track of theirchildren good deeds. The app also has a build in funny game, whereyou may also find useful tips and real facts about real good deeds.There is also music while you analyze yourself. If the app provesuseful and there will be suggestions, we will upgrade accordingly.
Vibrant Montgomery - News 20.2
City Beetles
Find local news sources and read all your news from Montgomery,Alabama.
Deportes Guatemala 10.2
City Beetles
Lea las últimas noticias de Guatemala con esta aplicación rápida.Lea de las mejores fuentes en todos los dominios principales,deportes, entretenimiento, ciencia, economía, tecnología. Laaplicación, gratuita y rápida, es un lector de noticias,configurado para buscar en la web los principales y confiablesfeeds RSS nacionales y locales disponibles que puede elegiragregar. También puede escribir cualquier sitio web y la aplicaciónintentará encontrar si tiene un feed RSS público. De esta manera,se puede leer todas las noticias y otros temas de su interés en unsolo lugar. - Sin permisos intrusivos - Las noticias se recibenrápido - Sin descargas en segundo plano - Opciones inteligentespara recordar las preferencias de visualización - Opciones paraampliar o reducir textos en tiempo real - Un montón deconfiguraciones para personalizar el modo de visualización No esnecesario tener varias aplicaciones de noticias. Solo este.
New York Local News 10.3
City Beetles
Stay up to date with the latest news from New York, USA. Theapplication, free and fast, is a news feed reader, configured tosearch the web for available top and reliable local RSS feeds thatyou may choose to add. You may also enter any website and the appwill try and find if it has a public RSS feed, that you can add.So, you can read all news and other topics of your interest in oneplace. - No intrusive permissions - News are fetched fast and inreal time - No downloads in the background, while not in the app -Smart options to remember viewing preferences - Options to enlargeor reduce texts in real time - Plenty of settings to customizeviewing mode No need for several news apps. Just this one.
Charlotte Has It All - News 20.3
City Beetles
Search for local news sources from Charlotte, NC, and read all inone place.
Anchorage Local News 10.2
City Beetles
Stay up to date with the latest news from Anchorage, Alaska, USA.The application, free and fast, is a news feed reader, configuredto search the web for available top and reliable local RSS feedsthat you may choose to add. You may also enter any website and theapp will try and find if it has a public RSS feed, that you canadd. So, you can read all news other topics of your interest in oneplace. - No intrusive permissions - News are fetched fast and inreal time - No downloads in the background, while not in the app -Smart options to remember viewing preferences - Options to enlargeor reduce texts in real time - Plenty of settings to customizeviewing mode
Oakland Local News 10.3
City Beetles
Stay up to date with the latest news from Oakland, California, USA.The application, free and fast, is a news feed reader, configuredto search the web for available top and reliable local RSS feedsthat you may choose to add. You may also enter any website and theapp will try and find if it has a public RSS feed, that you canadd. So, you can read all news other topics of your interest in oneplace. - No intrusive permissions - News are fetched fast and inreal time - No downloads in the background, while not in the app -Smart options to remember viewing preferences - Options to enlargeor reduce texts in real time - Plenty of settings to customizeviewing mode No need for several news apps. For phones and tablets.
ELP Live - El Paso Local News 21.2
City Beetles
Find the latest news from El Paso, Texas.
Jax is here - Jacksonville Loc 20.3
City Beetles
Find local news sources and read your local news from Jacksonville
Salt Lake Views - Valley News 20.0
City Beetles
Search for local news sources from Salt Lake, Utah, and read all inone place.
Noticias de Nicaragua 10.3
City Beetles
Noticias de Nicragua en tiempo real. Lea de las mejores fuentes entodos los dominios principales, deportes, entretenimiento, ciencia,economía, tecnología. La aplicación, gratuita y rápida, es unlector de noticias, configurado para buscar en la web losprincipales y confiables feeds RSS nacionales y locales disponiblesque puedes agregar. También puedes escribir cualquier sitio web yla aplicación intentará encontrar si tiene un feed RSS público. Deesta manera, se puede leer todas las noticias y otros temas de suinterés en un solo lugar. - Sin permisos intrusivos - Las noticiasse reciben rápido - Sin descargas en segundo plano - Opcionesinteligentes para recordar las preferencias de visualización -Opciones para ampliar o reducir textos en tiempo real - Un montónde configuraciones para personalizar el modo de visualización No esnecesario tener varias aplicaciones de noticias. Solo este.
Only in the Bronx 21.1
City Beetles
Find the local news sources and read all news from Bronx, NY
Calgary Is Ours 21.6
City Beetles
Find the local news sources from Calgary and read all news in oneplace.
Hollywood News, Gossip 3.0
City Beetles
Read the latest news about your favoritemoviestars. Stay in touch with Hollywood.This application shows news published by specializedHollywoodmedia. The application,free and fast, is a news feedreader,configured to search the web for available Hollywood RSSfeeds thatyou may choose to add. The app also allows you to addyour ownfeeds. So, you can read all local info and more topics inoneplace. No need for several apps.The application can be customized.For phones and tablets.
Fort Worth Always On 20.4
City Beetles
Find your local news sources and read local news from Fort Worth,Texas.
Irish Sports News 10.2
City Beetles
Stay up to date with the latest sports news from Ireland. Theapplication, free and fast, is a news feed reader, configured tosearch the web for available top and reliable local RSS sportsfeeds that you may choose to add. You may also enter any websiteand the app will try and find if it has a public RSS feed, that youcan add. So, you can read all news other topics of your interest inone place. - No intrusive permissions - News are fetched fast andin real time - No downloads in the background, while not in the app- Smart options to remember viewing preferences - Options toenlarge or reduce texts in real time - Plenty of settings tocustomize viewing mode No need for several news apps. For phonesand tablets.
Sheffield Good and Bad - News 21.4
City Beetles
Find the local news sources from Sheffield, UK and read all news inone place.
Raleigh Local News 10.3
City Beetles
Stay up to date with the latest news from Raleigh, North Carolina,USA. The application, free and fast, is a news feed reader,configured to search the web for available top and reliable localRSS feeds that you may choose to add. You may also enter anywebsite and the app will try and find if it has a public RSS feed,that you can add. So, you can read all news other topics of yourinterest in one place. - No intrusive permissions - News arefetched fast and in real time - No downloads in the background,while not in the app - Smart options to remember viewingpreferences - Options to enlarge or reduce texts in real time -Plenty of settings to customize viewing mode No need for severalnews apps. For phones and tablets.
Noticias de Puebla 2.5
City Beetles
Ultimas noticias de Puebla, México.Laaplicación es un lector de feeds de noticias, configuradoparavarias publicaciones locales.La aplicación busca los mejores fuentes de noticias (RSS)localesdisponibles sul internet. La aplicación también te permiteañadirtus propios fuentes.La aplicación se puede personalizar.La aplicación funciona en los teléfonos y los tabletes.Latest news fromPuebla,Mexico. The application is a news feed reader, configuredforvarious local publications.The application searches the best news sources (RSS) localsulinternet available. The application also lets you add yourownsources.The application can be customized.The application works on phones and tablets.
USA in real time 10.3
City Beetles
Read the latest news from USA with a fast app. Read from the bestsources in all key domains, news sports, entertainment, science andtechnology. The application, free and fast, is a news feed reader,configured to search the web for available top and reliablenational and local RSS feeds that you may choose to add. You mayalso enter any website and the app will try and find if it has apublic RSS feed, that you can add. So, you can read all news othertopics of your interest in one place. - No intrusive permissions -News are fetched fast and in real time - No downloads in thebackground, while not in the app - Smart options to rememberviewing preferences - Options to enlarge or reduce texts in realtime - Plenty of settings to customize viewing mode No need forseveral news apps. For phones and tablets.
Sport Nyheter Norge 3.3
City Beetles
Sport Nyheter fra Norge. Les om dinefavorittlag og favorittsport i sanntid. Søknaden, gratis og rask,er en nyhetsfeed leser, konfigurert til å søke på nettet ettertilgjengelige sport RSS-feeds som du kan velge å legge til.Applikasjonen lar deg også legge til dine egne feeds. Så kan dulese alle lokale info og flere emner på ett sted. Ikke behov forflere apps.Søknaden kan tilpasses.For telefoner og tabletter.Sports News from Norway.Read about your favorite teams and favorite sports in real time.The application, free and fast, is a news feed reader, configuredto apply online for available sports RSS feeds that you can chooseto add. The app also lets you add your own feeds. So you can readall the local info and more topics in one place. No need formultiple apps.The application can be customized.For phones and tablets.
Richmond Local News 2.7
City Beetles
Read the latest news from Richmond,Virginia,USA.This application shows news published by local media.Theapplication,free and fast, is a news feed reader, configuredtosearch the web for available local rss feeds that you may choosetoadd. The app also allows you to add your own feeds. So, youcanread all local info and more topics in one place. No needforseveral apps.The application can be customized.For phones and tablets
Notizie di Torino 10.3
City Beetles
Rimani aggiornato con le ultime notizie da Torino, Italia. L'app,gratuita e veloce, è un lettore RSS, per pergola mi piacciono ifeed RSS locali che puoi aggiungere. Puoi anche inserire qualsiasisito web e l'app cercherà di scoprire se ha un feed RSS pubblicoche puoi aggiungere. In questo modo puoi leggere tutte le notizie ealtri argomenti che ti interessano in un unico posto. - Nessunaautorizzazione intrusiva - Le notizie sono ottenute rapidamente -Nessun download in background - Opzioni intelligenti per ricordarele preferenze di visualizzazione - Opzioni per ingrandire o ridurrei testi in tempo reale - Un sacco di impostazioni perpersonalizzare la modalità di visualizzazione Non c'è bisogno dimolte app di notizie. Solo questa.
Mile High City News 20.3
City Beetles
Search for local news sources from Denver and read all news in oneplace.
EEUU - Noticias Estados Unidos 21.4
City Beetles
The latest news from the US
Sibiu Live - Știri din Sibiu 21.4
City Beetles
Find the news from the city of Sibiu and the county in one place.
Indy Day and Night 21.1
City Beetles
Find the local news sources and read all news from Indianapolis,Indiana.
Spor Haberleri 3.3
City Beetles
Türkiye spor haberleri.Bu uygulama, yerel medya tarafından yayınlanan haberlerigösterir. Mevcut spor rss eklemek verebileceğine beslemeleri içinhızlı ve ücretsiz bir uygulama, web'de arama yapmak yapılandırılmışbir haber besleme okuyucu vardır. Bu uygulama aynı zamanda kendibeslemeleri eklemenize izin verir. Yani, tek bir yerde tüm sporbilgi ve daha fazla konu okuyabilirsiniz. Çeşitli uygulamalar içingerek yok.Uygulama ayarları var. Uygulama özelleştirilebilir.Telefonlar ve tabletler içinTurkey sports news.This application shows the news published by local media. A freeapplication for quickly and can not add to your existing sports RSSfeeds, a news feed reader that is configured to search the web.This application also allows you to add your own feeds. So, in oneplace and more information you can read all sports topics. No needfor a variety of applications.The application has settings. The application can becustomized.For phones and tablets
Firenze è qui - Notizie 21.5
City Beetles
Use our app to find local news sources from Florence, Italy.
Fresno Hype - Fresno News 20.0
City Beetles
Search for local news sources and read local news from Fresno,California.
Washington Local News 2.2
City Beetles
Read the latest news from Washington, DC,USA.This application shows news published by local media.Theapplication,free and fast, is a news feed reader, configuredtosearch the web for available local rss feeds that you may choosetoadd. The app also allows you to add your own feeds. So, youcanread all local info and more topics in one place. No needforseveral apps.The application can be customized.For phones and tablets.
Wien Nachrichten 10.2
City Beetles
Immer informiert werden. Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Wien, Austria DieApp, kostenlos und schnell, ist ein RSS-Reader, der das Internetnach lokalen Quellen durchsucht, die Sie hinzufügen möchten. Siekönnen auch eine Website schreiben und die App wird versuchen zufinden, ob es einen öffentlichen RSS-Feed hat, den Sie hinzufügenkönnen. So können Sie alle Nachrichten und andere Themen IhresInteresses an einem Ort lesen. Die Applikation kann individuellangepasst werden. Für Handys und Tabletten.
Manchester Local News 2.8
City Beetles
Read the latest news from Manchester,England,UK. This application shows news published by local media.Theapplication,free and fast, is a news feed reader, configuredtosearch the web for available local rss feeds that you may choosetoadd. The app also allows you to add your own feeds. So, youcanread all local info and more topics in one place. No needforseveral apps.The application can be customized.For phones and tablets.
Seattle Here and Now - News 20.0
City Beetles
Search for local news sources and read local news from Seattle,Washington.
Comoara Dacilor 1.2
City Beetles
Despre comorile dacilor circula incamultelegende. Unele s-au dovedit adevarate si am citit despre eleprinziare.Joaca si afla mai mule despre daci si despre o comoaraascunsaundeva intr-un munte. Stiu ca orasul te sufoca uneori, darincearcasa iti tii moralul sus si prinde cate un zambet si altechestiipozitive, pana gasesti toate bucatile din harta secreta acomorii.Apoi joaca mai departe sa afli alte lucruri interesantedespredaci.Fa cel mai bun scor si arata-le prietenilor tai.Prinde chestii pozitive ca zambete, bani, mingi sau avioane.Aigrija sa nu prinzi o raceala sau gripa si fereste-te demaidanezi,masini de polite, taxiuri, gasti de cartier si foc.About Daciantreasuresmany legends still circulating. Some proved true and Iread aboutthem in the newspapers.Play and learn about Dacian mule and about a hiddentreasuresomewhere in a mountain. I know sometimes suffocating city,but tryto keep your spirits up and catch one positive smile andstuff,until you find all the pieces of the secret treasure map.Then playfurther to find other interesting things about theGauls.Make the best score and show them your friends.Catch positive things like smiles, money, balls orairplanes.Take care not to catch a cold or the flu and stay awayfrom straydogs, police cars, taxis, street gangs and fire.
Sport Nyheder Danmark 2.7
City Beetles
Sports Nyheder fra Danmark.Denne app viser nyheder udgivet af nationale medier.Ansøgningen,gratis og hurtig, er en nyhed foder reader,konfigureret til at søgepå nettet for RSS feeds som du kan vælgeat tilføje. Den app giverdig mulighed for aussi at tilføje dineegne feeds. Så kan du læsealle lokale info og flere emner på étsted. Intet behov for flereapps.Den app kan tilpasses.For telefoner og tabletter.Sports News from Denmark.This app shows news published by national media. Theapplication,free and fast, is a news feed reader, configured tosearch the webfor RSS feeds that you can choose to add. The appallows you aussito add your own feeds. So you can read all thelocal info and moreitems in one place. No need for multipleapps.The app can be customized.For phones and tablets.
San Francisco Local News 10.3
City Beetles
Stay up to date with the latest news from San Francisco,California, USA. The application, free and fast, is a news feedreader, configured to search the web for available top and reliablelocal RSS feeds that you may choose to add. You may also enter anywebsite and the app will try and find if it has a public RSS feed,that you can add. So, you can read all news and other topics ofyour interest in one place. - No intrusive permissions - News arefetched fast and in real time - No downloads in the background,while not in the app - Smart options to remember viewingpreferences - Options to enlarge or reduce texts in real time -Plenty of settings to customize viewing mode No need for severalnews apps. Just this one.
New York Sports News 2.4
City Beetles
Read the latest local news from sports fromNewYork, USA. This application shows sports news published bylocalmedia. The application, free and fast, is a news feedreader,configured to search the web for available local sports rssfeedsthat you may choose to add. The app also allows you to addyour ownfeeds. So, you can read all local info and more topics inoneplace. No need for several apps.The application can be customized.For phones and tablets.
Virginia Beach News 2.2
City Beetles
Read the latest news from VirginiaBeach,Virginia, USA. This application shows news published bylocalmedia. The application, free and fast, is a news feedreader,configured to search the web for available local rss feedsthat youmay choose to add. The app also allows you to add your ownfeeds.So, you can read all local info and more topics in one place.Noneed for several apps.The application can be customized.For phones and tablets.
Saint Paul Local News 2.9
City Beetles
Read the latest news from SaintPaul,Minnesota, USA.This application shows news published by local media.Theapplication,free and fast, is a news feed reader, configuredtosearch the web for available local rss feeds that you may choosetoadd. The app also allows you to add your own feeds. So, youcanread all local info and more topics in one place. No needforseveral apps.The application can be customized.For phones and tablets.
Notizie di Roma 2.1
City Beetles
Rimani aggiornato con le ultime notizie daRoma, Italia. Questa applicazione mostra le notizie pubblicate daimedia locali. L'applicazione, gratuita e veloce, è un lettore difeed di notizie, configurato per cercare sul web per feed RSSlocali che si può scegliere di aggiungere. L'applicazione permettedi aggiungere i propri feed. Così, è possibile leggere tutte leinformazioni locali e più argomenti in un unico luogo. Non c'èbisogno di diverse applicazioni.L'applicazione può essere personalizzata.L'applicazione può essere utilizzato su telefoni e tablet e ladimensione del testo può essere regolata.Stay up to date with thelatest news from Rome, Italy. This application shows news publishedby local media. The application, free and fast, is a news feedreader, configured to search the web for local RSS feeds that youcan choose to add. The app lets you add your own feeds. So, you canread all the local information and more topics in one place. Noneed for different applications.The application can be customized.The application can be used on phones and tablets, and the textsize can be adjusted.
Chicago Sports News 2.7
City Beetles
Read the latest local news from sports andtoplocal teams from Chicago, USA. The application, free and fast,is anews feed reader, configured to search the web for availablelocalsports rss feeds that you may choose to add. The app alsoallowsyou to add your own feeds. So, you can read all local infoand moretopics in one place. No need for several apps.The application can be customized.For phones and tablets.
The Austin Treasure 1.1
City Beetles
Did You know about the buried treasuresinAustin, Texas? Play this game and find out more real facts andthepieces of the secret map.Just go through town looking and keep your spirit up! Tryandcatch positive things floating around. You may catch a movie,butbe careful not to catch a cold :)So, jump for the positive things. Keep away from thedowners.Find the missing pieces of the treasure map. Music makesyou immunefor a while.Levels available.Scores and achievements.Find out more about Austin history and find about realtreasuresburied here with this catchy game :)
Knoxville Local News 3.3
City Beetles
Stay up to date with the latest newsfromKnoxville, Tennessee, USA.This application shows news published by local media.Theapplication,free and fast, is a news feed reader, configuredtosearch the web for available local rss feeds that you may choosetoadd. The app also allows you to add your own feeds. So, youcanread all local info and more topics in one place. No needforseveral apps.The application can be customized.For phones and tablets
Sioux Falls Local News 3.3
City Beetles
Stay up to date with the latest news fromSiouxFalls, South Dakota, USA.This application shows news published by local media.Theapplication,free and fast, is a news feed reader, configuredtosearch the web for available local RSS feeds that you may choosetoadd. The app also allows you to add your own feeds. So, youcanread all local info and more topics in one place. No needforseveral apps.The application can be customized.For phones and tablets
Macon Local News 3.3
City Beetles
Stay up to date with the latest newsfromMacon, Georgia, USA.This application shows news published by local media.Theapplication,free and fast, is a news feed reader, configuredtosearch the web for available local rss feeds that you may choosetoadd. The app also allows you to add your own feeds. So, youcanread all local info and more topics in one place. No needforseveral apps.The application can be customized.For phones and tablets
Deporte España Noticias 3.3
City Beetles
Noticias de deportes en tiemporeal.Información deportiva de España. En una de las aplicacionesmásrápidas de este tipo. La aplicación es un lector de feedsdenoticias de deportes.La aplicación busca en la web para RSS disponible desdelosdeportes que usted puede añadir. La aplicación también tepermiteañadir tus propios fuentes de noticias.La aplicación se puede personalizar.La aplicación funciona en los teléfonos y los tabletes.Sports news in realtime.Spain sports information. In one of the fastest applicationsofthis type. The application is a news feed reader sports.The application searches the web for RSS available fromsportsthat you can add. The application also lets you add your ownnewssources.The application can be customized.The application works on phones and tablets.
Hamburg Nachrichten 3.3
City Beetles
Immer informiert werden. Lesen Sie dieneuestenNachrichten von Hamburg, Deutschland.Diese Applikation zeigt Nachrichten von lokalenMedienveröffentlicht. Die App, kostenlos und schnell, isteinNews-Feed-Reader, konfiguriert, um die Web-Suche nachverfügbarenlokalen RSS-Feeds, dass Sie können wählen, hinzuzufügen.Die Appermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Feeds hinzuzufügen. Sokönnen Siealle lokalen Informationen und weitere Themen an einemOrt lesen.Keine Notwendigkeit für mehrere Anwendungen.Die Applikation kann individuell angepasst werden.Für Handys und Tabletten.Always informed. Readthelatest news from Hamburg, Germany.This application shows publishes news from local media. Theappis free and fast, is a news feed reader, configured to selecttheweb search for available local RSS feed that you can add. Theappallows you to add your own feeds. So you can read all thelocalinformation and other topics in one place. No need formultipleapplications.The application can be customized.For phones and tablets.